
Using Pandas for Analyzing Data - Data Munging

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Using matplotlib backend: Qt4Agg

Read the csv file of your choice using Pandas

In [3]:

View the first few rows of the file and set the number of columns displayed. Note: Using ver.head() will display the first five rows.

In [5]:
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 80) 
action_taken action_taken_name agency_code agency_abbr agency_name applicant_ethnicity applicant_ethnicity_name applicant_income_000s applicant_race_1 applicant_race_name_1 applicant_sex applicant_sex_name census_tract_number co_applicant_ethnicity co_applicant_ethnicity_name co_applicant_race_1 co_applicant_race_name_1 co_applicant_sex co_applicant_sex_name county_code county_name hoepa_status hoepa_status_name lien_status lien_status_name loan_purpose loan_purpose_name loan_type loan_type_name owner_occupancy owner_occupancy_name preapproval preapproval_name property_type property_type_name purchaser_type purchaser_type_name hud_median_family_income loan_amount_000s number_of_1_to_4_family_units number_of_owner_occupied_units minority_population population tract_to_msamd_income logloanamt logincome
0 1 Loan originated 1 OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 2 Not Hispanic or Latino 161 5 White 1 Male 201 2 Not Hispanic or Latino 5 White 2 Female 13 Grand Isle County 2 Not a HOEPA loan 1 Secured by a first lien 3 Refinancing 1 Conventional 2 Not owner-occupied as a principal dwelling 3 Not applicable 1 One-to-four family dwelling (other than manufa… 1 Fannie Mae (FNMA) 76700 200 2681 1186 7.12 3272 80.459999 5.298317 5.081404
1 1 Loan originated 1 OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 2 Not Hispanic or Latino 92 2 Asian 1 Male 34 2 Not Hispanic or Latino 2 Asian 2 Female 7 Chittenden County 2 Not a HOEPA loan 1 Secured by a first lien 3 Refinancing 1 Conventional 1 Owner-occupied as a principal dwelling 3 Not applicable 1 One-to-four family dwelling (other than manufa… 0 Loan was not originated or was not sold in cal… 76700 279 2818 2345 4.58 7144 154.830002 5.631212 4.521789
2 1 Loan originated 5 NCUA National Credit Union Administration 2 Not Hispanic or Latino 106 5 White 1 Male 29 1 Hispanic or Latino 5 White 2 Female 7 Chittenden County 2 Not a HOEPA loan 1 Secured by a first lien 1 Home purchase 1 Conventional 1 Owner-occupied as a principal dwelling 1 Preapproval was requested 1 One-to-four family dwelling (other than manufa… 1 Fannie Mae (FNMA) 76700 244 2447 2136 3.42 6227 124.199997 5.497168 4.663439

Determine the number of rows and columns in the dataset

In [6]:
(34573, 46)

Find the number of rows in the dataset

In [7]:

Get the names of the columns

In [9]:
Index([u'action_taken', u'action_taken_name', u'agency_code', u'agency_abbr', u'agency_name', u'applicant_ethnicity', u'applicant_ethnicity_name', u'applicant_income_000s', u'applicant_race_1', u'applicant_race_name_1', u'applicant_sex', u'applicant_sex_name', u'census_tract_number', u'co_applicant_ethnicity', u'co_applicant_ethnicity_name', u'co_applicant_race_1', u'co_applicant_race_name_1', u'co_applicant_sex', u'co_applicant_sex_name', u'county_code', u'county_name', u'hoepa_status', u'hoepa_status_name', u'lien_status', u'lien_status_name', u'loan_purpose', u'loan_purpose_name', u'loan_type', u'loan_type_name', u'owner_occupancy', u'owner_occupancy_name', u'preapproval', u'preapproval_name', u'property_type', u'property_type_name', u'purchaser_type', u'purchaser_type_name', u'hud_median_family_income', u'loan_amount_000s', u'number_of_1_to_4_family_units', u'number_of_owner_occupied_units', u'minority_population', u'population', u'tract_to_msamd_income', u'logloanamt', u'logincome'], dtype='object')

Get the first five rows of a column by name

In [18]:
0    1
1    1
2    1
3    1
4    1
Name: action_taken, dtype: int64

Create categorical ranges for numerical data. Note that that you can specifiy the number of ranges you wish.

In [19]:
incomeranges = pd.cut(ver['applicant_income_000s'], 14)
0    (-8.998, 715.143]
1    (-8.998, 715.143]
2    (-8.998, 715.143]
3    (-8.998, 715.143]
4    (-8.998, 715.143]
Name: applicant_income_000s, dtype: category
Categories (14, object): [(-8.998, 715.143] < (715.143, 1429.286] < (1429.286, 2143.429] < (2143.429, 2857.571] ... (7142.429, 7856.571] < (7856.571, 8570.714] < (8570.714, 9284.857] < (9284.857, 9999]]

Look at the value counts in the ranges created above

In [20]:
(-8.998, 715.143]       34306
(715.143, 1429.286]       200
(1429.286, 2143.429]       33
(2143.429, 2857.571]       21
(2857.571, 3571.714]        6
(3571.714, 4285.857]        4
(5714.143, 6428.286]        2
(9284.857, 9999]            1
(8570.714, 9284.857]        0
(7856.571, 8570.714]        0
(7142.429, 7856.571]        0
(6428.286, 7142.429]        0
(5000, 5714.143]            0
(4285.857, 5000]            0
dtype: int64

Index into the first six columns of the first row

In [21]:
action_taken                                                   1
action_taken_name                                Loan originated
agency_code                                                    1
agency_abbr                                                  OCC
agency_name            Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
applicant_ethnicity                                            2
Name: 0, dtype: object

Order the data by specified column

In [22]:
4193     1
32737    1
32965    1
34335    1
34342    1
Name: loan_amount_000s, dtype: int64

Sort by a column and that obtain a cross-section of that data

In [23]:
sorteddata = ver.sort(['loan_amount_000s'])
action_taken action_taken_name agency_code agency_abbr agency_name applicant_ethnicity
4193 1 Loan originated 5 NCUA National Credit Union Administration 2
32737 6 Loan purchased by the institution 9 CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 3
32965 6 Loan purchased by the institution 9 CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 3

Obtain the first three rows and first three columns of the sorted data

In [24]:
action_taken action_taken_name agency_code
4193 1 Loan originated 5
32737 6 Loan purchased by the institution 9
32965 6 Loan purchased by the institution 9

Obtain value counts of specifiec column

In [25]:
Loan originated                                21852
Application denied by financial institution     4894
Application withdrawn by applicant              2759
Loan purchased by the institution               2671
Application approved but not accepted           1421
File closed for incompleteness                   976
dtype: int64

A way to obtain the datatype for every column

In [26]:
zip(ver.columns, [type(x) for x in ver.ix[0,:]])
[('action_taken', numpy.int64),
 ('action_taken_name', str),
 ('agency_code', numpy.int64),
 ('agency_abbr', str),
 ('agency_name', str),
 ('applicant_ethnicity', numpy.int64),
 ('applicant_ethnicity_name', str),
 ('applicant_income_000s', numpy.int64),
 ('applicant_race_1', numpy.int64),
 ('applicant_race_name_1', str),
 ('applicant_sex', numpy.int64),
 ('applicant_sex_name', str),
 ('census_tract_number', numpy.float64),
 ('co_applicant_ethnicity', numpy.int64),
 ('co_applicant_ethnicity_name', str),
 ('co_applicant_race_1', numpy.int64),
 ('co_applicant_race_name_1', str),
 ('co_applicant_sex', numpy.int64),
 ('co_applicant_sex_name', str),
 ('county_code', numpy.int64),
 ('county_name', str),
 ('hoepa_status', numpy.int64),
 ('hoepa_status_name', str),
 ('lien_status', numpy.int64),
 ('lien_status_name', str),
 ('loan_purpose', numpy.int64),
 ('loan_purpose_name', str),
 ('loan_type', numpy.int64),
 ('loan_type_name', str),
 ('owner_occupancy', numpy.int64),
 ('owner_occupancy_name', str),
 ('preapproval', numpy.int64),
 ('preapproval_name', str),
 ('property_type', numpy.int64),
 ('property_type_name', str),
 ('purchaser_type', numpy.int64),
 ('purchaser_type_name', str),
 ('hud_median_family_income', numpy.int64),
 ('loan_amount_000s', numpy.int64),
 ('number_of_1_to_4_family_units', numpy.int64),
 ('number_of_owner_occupied_units', numpy.int64),
 ('minority_population', numpy.float64),
 ('population', numpy.int64),
 ('tract_to_msamd_income', numpy.float64),
 ('logloanamt', numpy.float64),
 ('logincome', numpy.float64)]

The Pandas way to obtain datatypes for every column

In [5]:
action_taken                        int64
action_taken_name                  object
agency_code                         int64
agency_abbr                        object
agency_name                        object
applicant_ethnicity                 int64
applicant_ethnicity_name           object
applicant_income_000s               int64
applicant_race_1                    int64
applicant_race_name_1              object
applicant_sex                       int64
applicant_sex_name                 object
census_tract_number               float64
co_applicant_ethnicity              int64
co_applicant_ethnicity_name        object
co_applicant_race_1                 int64
co_applicant_race_name_1           object
co_applicant_sex                    int64
co_applicant_sex_name              object
county_code                         int64
county_name                        object
hoepa_status                        int64
hoepa_status_name                  object
lien_status                         int64
lien_status_name                   object
loan_purpose                        int64
loan_purpose_name                  object
loan_type                           int64
loan_type_name                     object
owner_occupancy                     int64
owner_occupancy_name               object
preapproval                         int64
preapproval_name                   object
property_type                       int64
property_type_name                 object
purchaser_type                      int64
purchaser_type_name                object
hud_median_family_income            int64
loan_amount_000s                    int64
number_of_1_to_4_family_units       int64
number_of_owner_occupied_units      int64
minority_population               float64
population                          int64
tract_to_msamd_income             float64
logloanamt                        float64
logincome                         float64
dtype: object

Get the unique values for a column by name.

In [27]:
array(['Grand Isle County', 'Chittenden County', 'Washington County',
       'Franklin County', 'Caledonia County', 'Addison County',
       'Orange County', 'Orleans County', 'Rutland County',
       'Windham County', 'Lamoille County', 'Windsor County',
       'Bennington County', 'Essex County'], dtype=object)

Get a count of the unique values of a column

In [28]:

Index into a column and get the first four rows

In [31]:
0               Not applicable
1               Not applicable
2    Preapproval was requested
3               Not applicable
Name: preapproval_name, dtype: object

Obtain binary values

In [32]:
ver.ix[0:3,'preapproval_name'] == "Preapproval was requested"
0    False
1    False
2     True
3    False
Name: preapproval_name, dtype: bool